Twitter で吃音で苦しんでいる人が余りに多いので、敢えて書きます。











stutter  drug 」で検索です。「 stuttering  drug 」で検索だったかもしれません。「 stuttering  drug 」の方と思います。


















SSRI(選択的セロトニン再取り込み阻害薬)の日本での最初の認可薬である fluvoxamine(デプロメール)が認可されると、それを毎晩、寝る前2時間前に服用し始めました。すると翌朝から起床できなくなりました。


製薬会社が各病院に fluvoxamine(デプロメール)の瓶を一つづつ、配布したのです。中には、 fluvoxamine(デプロメール)の有名な副作用である胃腸障害で、とんでもない目に遭った医者が私の知る限りでも複数出ました。


私はその瓶を飲んだのか?1日150mg と言うことでしたから、寝る2時間前に150mg 服用し始めました。


朝、起床できない。友人の精神科医に電話すると「“うつ病性障害”やんか」と言われ、 fluvoxamine(デプロメール)が却って“うつ病性障害”を発症させたのか?思いました。


しかし、今思えば、寝る2時間前に150mg 服用していたから、その副作用で、朝、怠くて起きることが出来なかっただけだったのです。


1日150mg 服用を5ヶ月、続けたでしょう。私はデパス(etizolam)無しに電話で喋れている自分に気付き、驚きました。


でも、 fluvoxamine(デプロメール)は私には合ってなかった、と思います。2番目認可の0000は前立腺肥大の副作用が酷く、当直中に「尿閉」で緊急配送されてきた患者も経験しました。2番目認可のは、直ぐに飲む(服用)のを止めました。










私の日記には、paroxetine(パキシル)を1日180mg 服用したという記載があります。決して真似ては行けません。死にます(←普通の人は死ぬ??量です)。対人恐怖を軽くしたくて、そんな量まで飲んでいたのです。対人恐怖(対人緊張)は物凄く苦しい病気です。「対人緊張 2チャンネル」で検索すると分かります。








Twitter で私のようにベンゾジアゼピン系抗不安薬が効く人が複数居ました。また、SSRI(選択的セロトニン再取り込み阻害薬)のescitalopram(レクサプロ)が効くという人も居ます。
















でも、Twitter で私と同じく、吃音にベンゾジアゼピン系抗不安薬が効く人が複数いることを知りました。














































[Research Report]
A case of autism spectrum disorder in which benzodiazepines anxiolytics are very effective in Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder (Stuttering)

I experienced a case in which Benzodiazepine anxiolytics succeeded in childhood-onset fluency. The case was autism spectrum disorder, and it had mild dysarthria since childhood. The case was accompanied by social anxiety disorder just before the end of high school. Since visiting our hospital, he has been prescribing a large amount of benzodiazepine drugs.

There is a possibility that there are potentially many cases where benzodiazepines have a strong effect on childhood-onset fluency disorder, as in this case.
This suggests that childhood-onset fluency disorder is a partial epilepsy that is not yet known and originates from the basal ganglia where no abnormalities appear in the electroencephalogram. There may also be a childhood-onset fluency disorder as a psychogenic non-epileptic seizure.

[key words] childhood-onset fluency disorder, autism spectrum disorder, benzodiazepine derivatives, partial epilepsy, psychogenic non-epileptic seizure



Childhood-onset fluency disorder has been actively studied in Europe and America as a serious disease. It has been regarded as an inherited disease because of its high family accumulation. Childhood-onset fluency disorder develops between the ages of 3 and 6 years, and is observed in 5% in childhood but 1% in adults 33). Since there are many examples of remission until adulthood, there is a possibility that it is similar to partial epilepsy. In addition, men are four times more likely than women since childhood 33).
Compared to the normal average, if the parent has childhood-onset fluency, the child is three times more likely to have childhood-onset fluency 33).
Fluency disorder may occur in adults due to cerebral infarction or extremely severe head bruise 18,37).
Currently, the search for loci for childhood-onset fluency is rapidly progressing through studies of many cases in families. Many loci for childhood-onset fluency have been discovered 12,29,30,32,33), and childhood-onset fluency is a syndrome caused by a number of factors 33).
 (Case) 56 years old, male, right-handed (father / mother / sister also right-handed)
 (Family history) There is no childhood-onset fluency disorder or epilepsy in siblings and close relatives.
When father was in high school, father took a walk without going to school, so  grandfather, who was very strict, took his to a university hospital psychiatry and was diagnosed with personality disorder (no medication).
His father was simply an autism spectrum disorder. Although his father was harsh to his mother, it was very kind to his children, and he never remembered the case being angry by his father.

His father had the same morbid heat and cold as he did.

(Characteristics) nervousness, gentle, honest, friendly, hard working.
(History) Nothing to mention

(Current medical history / life history) There is nothing to mention in the perinatal period because the child was a 25-year-old father and a 24-year-old mother. Parents and relatives have never been told about infantile / infant epilepsy such as febrile seizures.
It is possible that the father did not work, the mother worked alone to cover the household budget, and the stress caused by this family discomfort was on the case.
Until kindergarten, he was very crying, and every day especially in the evening, he kept crying for hours without reason. Also, when he was in kindergarten, he was taken down from the kindergarten bus and he couldn't walk as close as possible from the bus stop to my house. The kindergarten has only been open for a year,
He participated only a little in kindergarten.

When he was in kindergarten, a girl talked to me but he couldn't speak.

Growth was fast, when he entered elementary school, the tallest was the second highest in class.
When he became an elementary school student, he stopped crying at all and ran from his house to school (about 15 minutes). He was not good at interpersonal relationships. He had no friends until the first grade of elementary school. In the second grade of elementary school, a friend of a classmate was made by intermediary between parents, and after school, they began to play together like everyday. The friend had a very gentle personality.
Since the days of elementary school, there were some dysarthria such as “ki” and “chi” that could not be distinguished. Although it is said that it continues today, for example, he did not know how to pronounce “Earth”(In japan, it pronounce
chityu.   He often pronounced kichu.). The cases still have unclear pronunciation and are not good at telephones.
In the lower grades of elementary school, when the class was held, there was a continuing habit of attaching “Anne” first, and teachers often pointed out that, but it was not easy to improve. If you put it at the beginning of the statement, it is easy to say so the statement.
He have never been bullied because he was in the countryside or because his mathematics was very good.
"In the evening, his head became dull and his sense of reality diminished." "At dinner, the chopsticks stopped for a few or ten minutes. No, maybe even more." Often happened in lower grades. These seizures ended at the end of the fourth or fifth grade.

He was not good at exercising because he couldn't tap into my power during the exercise. In third grade, he was accused of awkward running and was given the nickname "Dotchin Battan" and his way of running.

He hasn't trained anything, but he knows that he can have biceps in his third grade in elementary school. It is thought that bicep was noticeable because of low body fat and muscle.

He was told when he was in elementary school that surprising responses were much stronger than ordinary people 40). The head circumference was large. Also, he was very scared to go to the toilet at night when he was in elementary school. The god fear was stronger than in elementary school.
In the fourth grade of elementary school, he notice that his abdominal muscles are very strong and it is safe to hit
his abdomen strongly. Also, notice that almost can not do abs exercise.

In the fourth and fifth grades of elementary school, running became a topic where the faces were distorted and laughed.

Growth is fast, height growth almost ends in the first year of junior high school, and there are times when the 50m run is the fastest in the first year of junior high school. Short sprinting was fast, but long sprinting was not good.
In junior high school, he was teasing for stutter my best friend several times, but he was a good friend and didn't mind much. In the second year of junior high school, sleep paralysis occasionally occurred.

He noticed that the first word did not appear in the first year of high school. It is presumed that repeated stuttering has changed to difficult stuttering.

As a result, he is struggling with the flow. He often left early before the Japanese language class and repeatedly fell out of school because the first words did not appear during the Japanese language class.

In high school, learn how fluency becomes more serious when stress builds up.
The mathematics system was very good, but English was very poor. He didn't study science and mathematics at all, only English, but English always had the worst score. The national language was also poor. The case thought that the language system was inherently weak. It was a hot topic since junior high school when English pronunciation was funny.

At the end of the third year of high school, social anxiety disorder (interpersonal tension) developed. At the time of the second exam, he was overwhelmed and fell to T University, which was the school he wanted. Due to social anxiety disorder, the prep school quits in two months and returns to the hometown. And he went home. After a short break, he entered the local former Imperial University.

When he was in university, he was embarrassed to read English during an English class and could not read it because of disfluency.

Also, during college, due to social anxiety disorder, it was very difficult to attend classes where people were crowded, so he spent many years.
Because of fluency and social anxiety, he was unable to make friends during college.
In the second half of his university days, he learned from the net that the stellate ganglion block was effective for fluency and received them. In particular, stellate ganglion block had very strong effects on both fluency and social anxiety.

College 4th year, year when he left school for more years, a motorcycle accident called a frontal collision with an opposing car, fractured his skull, and he was hospitalized for 2 months (amnestic after trauma was four and a half days). At this time, head MRI was performed, but there was nothing to mention.

After this accident, he visited this hospital because of fluency and social anxiety. The author becomes the attending physician and begins to administer benzodiazepines. Although cloxazolam, flurazepam, lorazepam, clorazepate, flunitrazepam, flutoprazepam, ethyl lofrazepate, clonazepam, alprazolam, etc. were prescribed, other than ethyl lofrazepate, clonazepam, alprazolam showed good effects on fluency disorder. Alprazolam is presumed to have an anticholinergic effect, but the fluency disorder worsened severely when taken14). Ethyl lofrazepate and clonazepam could hardly feel the effect of weak action.

I prescribed amitriptyline, but if he take 1 tablet, he sleep for 24 hours, and the fluency disorder will become severe and severe for about 3 days, and the dose will be completed once.
And, tandospirone was prescribed, no efficacy was observed for fluency disorder and social anxiety disorder. In addition, meprobamate 36) was prescribed, but only slightly effective for fluency disorder and social anxiety disorder.

Carbamazepine15,16,35), phenytoin, sodium valproate, eperisone, haloperidol 22,23), and sulpiride were prescribed in a very short term according to the wishes of the case. He couldn't. In the case of carbamazepine, the fluency disorder got worse.
As a result of various explorations, we settled on prescriptions for bromazepam 20mg/day, diazepam 15mg/day, etizolam 3mg/day.
Benzodiazepines are dramatically effective for fluency disorder, but social anxiety disorder is a problem because it is effective but not sufficient for social anxiety disorder.
was disappointed that he had to do it in the company. Because he was a programmer, he spoke a little, but he had social anxiety disorder.

In order to relieve interpersonal tension, he had to take a large amount of benzodiazepines. He was not taking benzodiazepines on his days off. Also, it was a life of a round trip between the company and the apartment.



Since the case was Autism Spectrum Disorder, the stress tolerance was low, and anxiety disorder and muscle tension were abnormally strong from an early age, which caused symptoms such as dysarthria, inability to exercise abdominal muscles, and awkward running It is also speculated. However, the case is still indistinguishable between “ki” and “chi”, and it is not clear when typing “tichuu” or “kickuu” with the keyboard.
Because the case has some kind of epilepsy, benzodiazepines may be effective for fluency disorder. However, since the strong muscular tone due to anxiety disorder is solved by benzodiazepines, a mechanism that can be effective for fluency disorder is also conceivable.
It is also possible that it was a childhood-onset fluency disorder as a psychogenic non-epileptic seizure due to stress.
No literature suggesting an association between epilepsy and fluency disorder was found. However, there is a paper 38) that states that the antiepileptic drug levetiracetam is effective in cases of combined fluency and partial epilepsy, but this may be the case.
In the United States, brain surgery is performed for fluency disorder. This is because the organic dysfunction of the basal ganglia is considered to be the basis of fluency disorder 4,13).
Recently, vagus nerve stimulation therapy is frequently performed because epileptic seizures are less likely to occur due to vagus nerve stimulation39). This mechanism may be the reason why drought and stellate ganglion block and benzodiazepines are successful in patients with fluency disorder.
Because of its dependence, benzodiazepines are almost treated as narcotics in the West and may be arrested for possession without a prescription. In Europe and the United States, research on fluency has been very active since a long time ago, but there is a possibility that a paper showing the efficacy of benzodiazepines for fluency is not found.
In Europe and the United States, alprazolam and clonazepam are frequently prescribed, although they are benzodiazepines. However, alprazolam has an anticholinergic effect, and immediately after taking it, the fluency disorder is severe and severe as in cases 14). The patient had also taken clonazepam, but could not feel the effect. In Europe and the United States, alprazolam is the most frequently used benzodiazepine drug because of its low dependence, and it is considered that benzodiazepine drugs are recognized as aggravating fluency.
Clonazepam, an antiepileptic drug, is a benzodiazepine drug that has been used for a long time, and is prescribed relatively frequently in the West. For this reason, there
are some papers 10,11,28,34) showing the efficacy of clonazepam for social anxiety disorder and panic disorder, but no paper showing the efficacy for fluency disorder has been found.
Similarly, clobazam, an antiepileptic drug, is a benzodiazepine drug that was released relatively recently, but no paper has been found to show its effectiveness against fluency disorders. It was noted that pagoclone is effective for fluency disorder, but it has a pharmacological action close to that of benzodiazepines and is not released due to concerns about its dependence 17,24).
As in the case of benzodiazepines, there are only a few or a large number of benzodiazepines that have dramatic effects on fluency disorder. In Europe and the United States, benzodiazepines are close to narcotics and less dependent than alprazolam and clonazepam. Judgment is difficult because it is rarely prescribed.
There are reports that fluency disorder has become mild due to SSRIs fluoxetine 3), paroxetine 5,7), sertraline 9). However, there are papers 6,8,21) that sertraline causes fluency. Cases with these SSRIs did not cause fluency disorder.
Childhood-onset fluency often becomes severe with stress and there is no abnormality in the electroencephalogram, so there may be a possibility that it is close to a non-convulsive status epilepticus 27).



Even if you take carbamazepine 15,16,35), which is reported to be effective for partial epilepsy and is effective for fluency disorder, the fluency disorder in the case becomes serious.
The mechanism of action of carbamazepine and benzodiazepines is different.
Benzodiazepines, which are effective for fluency disorder in cases, are effective for partial epilepsy.
Childhood-onset fluency seems to be a partial epilepsy that is not yet known, starting from the basal ganglia 31) where no abnormalities appear in the electroencephalogram.

---- This is an announcement in accordance with ethical principles of research and research ----

1) American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5), APP, Arlington VA, 2013 (Japanese Psychological Society, Japanese terminology supervision, Saburo Takahashi, Jun Ohno translation: DSM-5 spirit Diagnosis / Statistics Manual for Diseases, Medical School, Tokyo, 2014)
2) Ai LeenChoo, Shelly JoKraft, William Olivero et al: Corpus callosum differences associated with persistent stuttering in adults. Journal of Communication Disorders Vol 44, Issue 4: 470-477, 2011.
3) Amardeep Kumar; Sabish Balan: Fluoxetine for Persistent Developmental Stuttering.
Clinical Neuropharmacology 30 (1): 58-59, 2007.
4) Anna Craig-McQuaide, Harith Akram, Ludvic Zrinzo et al: A review of brain circuitries involved in stuttering. Front Hum Neurosci 8: 884, 2014.
5) Boldrini M, Rossi M, Placidi GF: Paroxetine efficacy in stuttering treatment. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 6 (3): 311-312, 2003.
6) Brewerton TD, Markowitz JS, Keller SG: Stuttering with sertraline. J Clin Psychiatry 57 (2): 90-91, 1996.
7) Busan P, Battaglini PP, Borelli M et al: Investigating the efficacy of paroxetine in developmental stuttering. Clin Neuropharmacol 32 (4): 183-188, 2009.
8) Christensen RC, Byerly MJ, McElroy RA: A case of sertraline-induced stuttering.
J Clin Psychopharmacol 16 (1): 92-93, 1996.
9) Costa D, Kroll R: Sertraline in stuttering. J Clin Psychopharmacol 15: 443-444, 1995.
10) Davidson JR, Ford SM, Smith RD et al: Long-term treatment of social phobia with clonazepam. J Clin Psychiatry 52 Suppl: 16-20, 1991.
11) Davidson JR, Potts N, Richichi E et al: Treatment of social phobia with clonazepam and placebo. J Clin Psychopharmacol Dec; 13 (6): 423-428, 1993.
12) Domingues CE, Olivera CM, Oliveira BV et al: A genetic linkage study in Brazil identifies a new locus for persistent developmental stuttering on chromosome 10. Genet Mol Res 13 (1): 2094-2101, 2014.
13) Edgar Durand, Alexander G Weil, Marc Leveque: Psychosurgery for stuttering, Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 11: 963
965, 2015.
14) Elliott RL, Thomas BJ: A case report of alprazolam-induced stuttering. Clin Psychopharmacol 5: 159-160, 1985.
15) Goldstein JA: Carbamazepine treatment for stuttering. J Clin Psychiatry 48 (1): 39, 1987.
16) Harvey JE, Culatta R, Halikas JA et al: The effects of carbamazepine on stuttering. J Nerv Ment Dis 180 (7): 451-457, 1992.
17) Ingham RJ: Comments on article by Maguire et al: pagoclone trial: questionable findings for stuttering treatment. J Clin Psychopharmacol 30 (5): 649-650, 2010.
18) Jonathan C, Kevin E: Stuttering as a Symptom of Concussion: Confirmation of Association Using Nontraditional Information Sources. Pediatric emergency care 33 (11): 137-139, 2017.
19) Joyce AG, Dennis JC: Risperidone stuttering: Hospital pharmacy 49 (3): 242-243, 2014.
20) Kumar A, Balan S: Fluoxetine for persistent developmental stuttering.Clin Neuropharmacol 30: 58-59, 2007.
21) McCall WV .: Sertraline-induced stuttering. J Clin Psychiatry 55 (7): 316,1994.
22) Maguire GA, Gottschalk LA, Riley GD et al: Risperidone in the treatment of stuttering: a double-blind placebo-controlled study.New Resea


にほんブログ村 メンタルヘルスブログ 吃音症・言語障害へ












key words小児期発症流暢障害(childhood-onset fluency disorder)、自閉症スペクトラム障害(autism spectrum disorder)、ベンゾジアゼピン系薬剤(benzodiazepine derivatives)、部分てんかん(partial epilepsy)、てんかん重積状態(status epilepticus)







































 この事故の後、小児期発症流暢障害と社交不安障害に悩み、本院来院。筆者が主治医となりベンゾジアゼピン系薬剤の投与を始める。cloxazolamflurazepamlorazepamclorazepateflunitrazepamflutoprazepamethyl lofrazepateclonazepamalprazolamなどを処方したが、ethyl lofrazepateclonazepamalprazolam以外は小児期発症流暢障害に良好な効能が認められた。alprazolamは抗コリン作用のためと推測されるが服用時、小児期発症流暢障害が酷く悪化した14)ethyl lofrazepateclonazepamは作用が弱いのか効果をほとんど感じ取ることが出来なかった。

 amitriptyline を処方したが、1錠服用すると24時間眠り続け、三日ほど、小児期発症流暢障害が激しく重症化し、服用は1回で終わる。

 tandospirone を処方したが小児期発症流暢障害と社交不安障害に全く効能は認められなかった。また、meprobamete36) を処方したが小児期発症流暢障害と社交不安障害に僅かに効能が認められたのみであった。

 症例の希望より、極短期間の処方で、carbamazepine15,16,35)phenytoin sodium valproateeperisonehaloperidol22,23)sulpiride を処方したが、全て小児期発症流暢障害および社交不安障害に効能は全く認められなかった。carbamazepineのときは小児期発症流暢障害が却って重症化した。

 様々な模索の結果、bromazepam 20mg/日、diazepam 15mg/日、etizolam 3mg/日の処方に落ち着く。





 症例は30歳時、インフルエンザに罹患し、loxoprofen sodium を10錠服用したが熱は全く下がらず、diclofenac sodiumを4錠服用し熱が和らぎ楽になるも不十分で未だ苦しく、更に1錠追加服用し十分に熱が下がり楽になった。しかし、2時間すると再び熱が上がり苦しくなり、再びdiclofenac sodiumを4錠服用し熱が和らぎ楽になるも不十分で、更に1錠追加服用し十分に熱が下がり楽になることを繰り返したことがある。このように症例は薬剤に非常に強いと自負していた。


 社交不安障害に効く可能性を考え buspirone を個人輸入し服用したが、社交不安障害および小児期発症流暢障害に効果は弱く、効果を得ようと服用量が多量であったのか、意識変容を多数回起こした。

 risperidone22)olanzapine23) を社交不安障害に効くことを期待し個人輸入して服用したが、副作用のみで社交不安障害、小児期発症流暢障害に効果はなかった。risperidone 1mg服用で全身倦怠感激しく、ソファーで2時間ほど横になり、そのまま帰ったことがある。



 警察官より脳外科病院へ搬送されたらしい。症例は脳外科病院へ搬送されたまでのことが全く記憶にない。 病院へ着いた時点で意識を回復しているが、意識はボンヤリとしており、病院で頭部MRIを撮影され、異常なしとされ、すぐ近くの家に歩いて帰っているが、病院内の出来事は部分的な記憶がある。


 症例は個人輸入しfluoxetine3)paroxetine 5,7)sertraline6,9)を数年間、社交不安障害を癒したい一心で服用続けたが、社交不安障害および小児期発症流暢障害に効果はなかった。また、moclobemideを個人輸入し社交不安障害を治したい一心で4年間ほど比較的多量服用したが効果はなかった。

 症例自身、“場の空気が読めない、人の心が分からない、病的な凝り性、手先および身体運動の病的な不器用、対人関係の病的な不器用、人の目を見て話すことが出来ない”であり、典型的なAutism Spectrum Disorder であると主張する。実際、症例は“人の目を見て話すこと”は全く出来ない。




 てんかんと小児期発症流暢障害の関連性を示唆する文献は見出されなかった。ただ、抗てんかん薬の levetiracetam が小児期発症流暢障害と部分てんかんの併発例に効能があることを記された論文38)が存在するが、症例はこれに該当する可能性が強い。





 抗てんかん薬であるclonazepam は古くから使用されているベンゾジアゼピン系薬剤であり、欧米でも比較的頻繁に処方される。そのためclonazepam の社交不安障害やパニック障害への効能を示す論文10,11,28,34)は散見されるが、小児期発症流暢障害への効能を示す論文は見出されない。


 pagoclone が小児期発症流暢障害に効能があると注目されたが、ベンゾジアゼピン系薬剤に近い薬理作用を有しており、依存性が懸念され発売されていない17,24)


 SSRIsであるfluoxetine3)paroxetine 5,7)sertraline6,9)に依り小児期発症流暢障害が軽症化した報告が存在する。しかし、sertralineは流暢障害を起こすという論文8,21)も存在する。症例はそれらSSRIsで小児期発症流暢障害は軽症化しなかった。

 小児期発症流暢障害はストレスで重症化することが多く、脳波異常はないため、非痙攣性てんかん重積状態(non-convulsive status epilepticus)に近似する状態である可能性も考えられ得る27)




 部分てんかんに効能があるとされ、小児期発症流暢障害に効能があるという論文が散見されるcarbamazepine 15,16,35)を服用しても症例の小児期発症流暢障害は却って重症化する。








1) American Psychiatric Association : Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition(DSM-5), APP, Arlington VA, 2013(日本精神神経学会日本語版用語監修、高橋 三郎, 大野 祐監訳:DSM-5 精神疾患診断統計マニュアル, 医学書院, 東京, 2014

2) Ai LeenChoo, Shelly JoKraft, William Olivero  et al : Corpus callosum differences associated with persistent stuttering in adults. Journal of Communication Disorders  Vol 44, Issue 4 : 470-477, 2011

3) Amardeep Kumar; Sabish Balan : Fluoxetine for Persistent Developmental Stuttering.   

Clinical Neuropharmacology  30(1):58-59,  2007

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A case of autism spectrum disorder in which benzodiazepine derivatives are effective in childhood-onset fluency disorder



